Appenzeller Barthuhner Thread!


Do they look like Barthuhner chicks?
I am looking for breeders of the black variety; they seem to be the scarcer of the two color types to locate. Anyone know of any breeders?
I have a connection with the Blacks, Ive not seen them in person but going to look at them in a few days...Does anyone on here sell eggs?
A shame there aren't more breeders of the black, actually I haven't seen any advertised. I have a single male partridge barthuhner from GF in 2013. In 2014 we ordered four chicks hoping for females for him, and 3/4 were roosters and the pullet later died (only one of the flock that did). So we're on the hunt for more!

He's a great rooster. He's easy to pick up, and lets the hens have all the good food.

Does anyone else's roosters have weird spurs? His are small and actually curl on the end.
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