Apple Butter Recipe Please?


Yoga...The Chicken Pose
11 Years
Aug 4, 2008
Fuquay Varina, NC
I would like to can some apple butter... I have way more apples then I should have... as I over bought!
Haven't tried it myself, but it looked interesting!

I have to add- my sister was giving apple butter every year for Christmas, to everyone- somehow it was never quite right, but we thanked her mightily. Last year, I found out the truth- she was buying jarred applesauce, cooking it down and calling it "Homemade Apple Butter"!
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Ball Blue Book recipe

16 med. apples (about 4 lbs)
4 cups sugar
2 tsp. cinnamn
1/4 tsp. cloves

Wash apples; remove stem and blossom ends; do not peel or core. Cut apples into small pieced. Add 2 cups water; cover; simmer 20-25 minutes or until apples are soft. Press through sieve or food mill. Measure 2 quarts apple pulp.

Combine apple pulp, sugar and spices in a large saucepot. Cook slowly until thick enought to round up on a spoon. As pulp thickens, stir prequently to preven sticking. (If too thick, add a small amount of water or apple juice for desired consistency.) Ladle hot butter into hot jars, leaving, 1/4 inch headspace. Adjust two-piece caps. Process 10 minutes in a boiling-water canner. Yield about 5 pints.

We taste it and add what we think it needs because all apples are different and all people have different tastes. My brother goes whimpy I go with the spice we both agree on not to sweet.

You can always add you can't take it out so even with this recipe add half of the sugar & spice and taste and then gradually add the rest and even more until it is where you like it. Remember that the flavors do increase I think after processing and lets call it aging.
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lol... its ok Ranchland... sounds like my mom actually. My sister couldn't do that, as she can't even boil water!

I'm going to try this... I gotta do something with all this extra apples.

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