Approaching 24 hours since pip at the wrong end


Jun 4, 2017
I noticed late last night that one of my seven eggs pipped at the wrong end (day 20). It looked to be through the membrane so I didn't touch it and woke up this morning to see it a little more open.

When I came home this afternoon and opened the incubator to remove two chicks that were having a little rodeo in there I decided to check on the wrong-end-pipper. I tapped and it peeped! So I very carefully peeled away just a few mm of shell to make sure there was enough of a hole to breathe through, and now I've left it. It's been a few hours and two more eggs have hatched (a total of five of the seven have hatched so far). This one has been pipped the longest without any progress. The other one pipped a little this morning (on the proper end) but no action since then.

Do I intervene later tonight (day 21, 24 hours since the initial wrong-end pip)? If
When I peeled the shell back I did see a blood vessel in the membrane, but I didn't make the egg bleed with my little shell removal. That was a few hours ago.

Did you see blood yet? If not than help out by slowly making the hole bigger. If you see blood leave it be.
When I peeled the shell back I did see a blood vessel in the membrane, but I didn't make the egg bleed with my little shell removal. That was a few hours ago.
You should start helping. Go very slowly and if there is a lot of blood stop for a couple of hours.
The chick is likely stuck to the shell so have q tips and a bowl of warm water ready to moisten the shell. Make sure the chick can breathe so open up at the pip to find the beak.


Check again, if you see blood it means the chick is still absorbing the yolk and it's still attached to the egg membrane. Don't remove too much if you see any, keep checking back in case the membrane starts to dry out and sticks to the chick.
I tried removing more shell and there was blood so I stopped. Time for more patience!

Check again, if you see blood it means the chick is still absorbing the yolk and it's still attached to the egg membrane. Don't remove too much if you see any, keep checking back in case the membrane starts to dry out and sticks to the chick.
Remember, when they pip at the wrong end, the internal and external pip are the same thing, so adjust your mental timing for that - it may take longer for them to progress (you seeing blood/vessels tells you it's not ready). I'd leave it - I've had wrong end pips hatch just fine. If you see it keep going at making the single pip hole bigger and bigger, then that might mean it can't spin to zip, so watch for that as an indication to consider trying more help. But for now, it's getting air, no need to rush, IMHO. Lots can go wrong by helping too soon.
So I have a few hours before I head to bed for the night. Do I attempt anything before that or am I running the risk of removing too much shell and the inner membrane drying out? (I'm already a little worried about that.) I'd love to wake up in the morning and have these last two hatched! Sigh.
So I have a few hours before I head to bed for the night. Do I attempt anything before that or am I running the risk of removing too much shell and the inner membrane drying out? (I'm already a little worried about that.) I'd love to wake up in the morning and have these last two hatched! Sigh.
I would leave it alone, get a good night's sleep, and re-evaluate in the morning.
Well, the other one hatched. Now it's just the wrong-end-pipper that's left. It was one of the first to pip (last night) and now it's been 24 hours. This is hard!

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