April hatchalong Spring is in the air!

I'm in!!!

I'm on the list for two dozen of cjexotic's beautiful Silkie eggs at the end of April so I'm setting a test hatch in my recently completed homemade fridgibator tonight! Don't wanna do a first hatch with the expensive eggs so I'm putting in 3 eggs from my black and splash Marans hens by my blue copper Marans roo. Also throwing in 3 crosses just for the heck of it - one BR/Blue Copper and two BO/Blue Copper. I'm SUPER interested to see what pops out of those crossed eggs

Got my reptitemp dialed and and that thing is holding a perfect 99.6 degrees so far. Humidity is a smidge high but I think I'm going to leave it as it will come down as the water gets a bit lower. Planning to set in a few hours - eggs are all marked and ready to go!
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I'm in! I set mine last night. I've got 6 SLW, 5 BLRW, 1 Speckled Sussex, 2 BR/EE cross, 4 EE, 3 Salmon Favorelles, and 9 Cuckoo Marans. Eggs are from my flock and some I won in the March eggs swap. 30 eggs. Due on April 4th. Temps are at 99/100 degrees and humidity is at 40%. Woo Hoo!
im in,set 28 eggs last night 8 lavender orps,16 jersey giants,blues and blacks and a few of my own orps and riw. i cant wait to c how many blue and lavenders i get!!!!!

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