Aprox. Number of Eggs?


6 Years
Mar 20, 2013
I was curious if anyone had any suggestions on about how many eggs I may see in a day or week from the amount of birds I have?

I didn't get any of them for meat or eggs. It was purely for pets so I am not expecting many but will love what I get!

I have two Hen Silver Laced Wyandotte's, one Khaki Campbell, one Pekin. All female that I can tell - the only one we are still unsure about is the Pekin as he/she is only two weeks old.

I know Khaki's lay a lot....

So with 4 females would I be looking at about 1 egg a day? Or a couple eggs a week?
From each. so anywhere from 10-12 from both of them for the week. They may surprise you and give you 7 one week!!! You never know!!!

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