Araucana thread anyone?

The mass is below her vent hole. I am really saddened by her suffering. Nothing I have done has really helped her. I am afraid I am just allowing her suffering for no benefit other than sparing myself the guilt and memories of killing her. I think I am done with Araucana....I love them but I have had problems with them...I had to kill 2 chicks because they had backs that were too short to process waste properly and I was advised by an Araucana breeder here on BYC to end their suffering. And now this....My gut feeling is she can process the waste but can not pass an egg. She is from the same bunch of chicks sent to me with the 2 chicks with too short of backs so maybe it is a breeding problem from the breeder where I got my chicks. They are 10 months old and have not laid an egg yet. If she were to pass an egg it would be the first Araucana egg I have gotten.
I read your posts on the other thread, I'm sorry I can't help w/ any info I have never experienced this issue at all. I think though this is a breeding/ line problem not an araucana problem.

You have been trying many helps for 3+ days now w/ no improvement and no movement, this is just my opinion I would cull and do a necropsy. I have read seveal egg bound threads and I do not think you are dealing w/ a "simple" egg bound issue, if one at all.

Were you ever able to get the pics?
No the pics just showed her vent. Nothing showed to really help to anyone Most of the info i have gathered has been from feeling a little on the inside. Thank You for the advise. i will be more careful where i get my stock from and will be sending an email to let the breeder know she possibly has an issue.
Thank You for the info and help....I put her out of her misery.
I'm sorry, but think it was for the best.
I did open her up a little to try and see what was inside. Alot of poop was inside but i did not see a huge egg....but I dont know if the huge egg would go backward up inside her body once her muscle tissue was not alive anymore and completely relaxed? I have never cleaned and dressed an animal before so I did not know what i was doing. I have seen pictures ect....but seeing it and doing it for me were two different things. It was also dark outside the porch light wasnt helping out much. If she isnt REALLY nasty in the morning and I can stomach it I may look further to see what I can see. I wanted to wait until morning so I could see everything really well but that would be another whole night for her to suffer so I decided against waiting.
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