Araucana thread anyone?

Ok i will try to find out all the info i can. I like blue and lavender. So i want to know everything about both colors.can you tell me what i might get from my roo and hen? Is there a way to figure out from my hens offspring if she is true mottled araucana? Sorry for all the questions. Im just so anxious to see! I have three more ee eggs hatching in the bator now. As soon as they hatch im cleaning it and putting the eggs im gathering from the araucanas in the bator. I cant wait!

If she is mottled, none of her chicks will be mottled when breed to your roo unless he has one copy of mottling. Mottling is recessive so for it to show, the chick must get one copy form the roo and one copy from the hen. If you breed your roo and hen, you will get blacks and blues (with red leakage likely), and some wild type as well. It is hard to say for sure because you don't know what all genes they are carrying.
If you keep one of her cockerel offspring and breed him back to her, then you should see mottled chicks.
Why is it that all my hens decide to go broody at once? Well, not all of them, but quite a few of them. Five girls are now refusing to leave the nest boxes at night, determined to hatch nothing! That means basically no eggs.

I call it, a "broody storm".
 The knowledge will grow from there and before you know it, the dots will connect and you find that it's not as impossible as it seems to learn how the colors work.

Ok i will try to find out all the info i can. I like blue and lavender. So i want to know everything about both colors.can you tell me what i might get from my roo and hen? Is there a way to figure out from my hens offspring if she is true mottled araucana? Sorry for all the questions. Im just so anxious to see! I have three more ee eggs hatching in the bator now. As soon as they hatch im cleaning it and putting the eggs im gathering from the araucanas in the bator. I cant wait!
If she is mottled, none of her chicks will be mottled when breed to your roo unless he has one copy of mottling. Mottling is recessive so for it to show, the chick must get one copy form the roo and one copy from the hen. If you breed your roo and hen, you will get blacks and blues (with red leakage likely), and some wild type as well. It is hard to say for sure because you don't know what all genes they are carrying.
If you keep one of her cockerel offspring and breed him back to her, then you should see mottled chicks.

Oh wow! Ok. Its getting imteresting now! I hope i get lots of blues! We shall see.... I think iwill keep a cockerel from them just to see what happens :)
I have four Araucanas born May 1 (My first time raising backyard chicken). Can anyone tell me how soon to start looking for eggs?
I have four Araucanas born May 1 (My first time raising backyard chicken). Can anyone tell me how soon to start looking for eggs?
It'll probably be another month, maybe two. Depends on the pullet!

Hmm got the first good look at my babies that hatched and I actually got a tufted baby
first one in three years
Congratulations! Any pictures to share?

My araucana chickies are starting to hatch! Looks like splash :) Thanks stacykins!
Edit: just saw your other post I checked them last weekend and it looked like 7 were good and 1 looked like it died in the shell.. early death?..It didn't smell and I wasn't totally convinced if it was because they are hard to candle but I left it in for now but 4 pipped this morning and 2 hatched so far..They were due tomorrow but my brinsea seems to be hatching a day early so I turned back the temp a bit.. it seems to always be at 100 not bad but I turned it back to 99.5
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Just wanted to say hi all, things have settled down and i'll be coming back on regularly again, missed you guys, glad to see the threads still jumping :) I've lost an entire year of breeding but gonna try and catch up over winter.

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