Araucana thread anyone?

Are these Ameracauna hens?
Easter Eggers.
The black one has a pea comb and will likely lay either blue or a shade of green. The pea comb gene and the gene for blue egg shells are located near each other and usually get inherited together. There are exceptions, but they are rare. Both genes are dominant, so if they are present, they will exhibit. Since the light red one has a single comb, she likely didn't inherit the blue egg gene.
If you got them from the same place, then they are both likely Easter Eggers, even though the black one looks close enough to meet the breed standard for a black Ameraucana.
Update on my Chocolate Araucana project pen. I have a few chicks in the grow out pen, nothing spectacular. Seems all the chicks hatched early spring had pale skin but another cross back to yellow and they will be yellow skinned. The oldest chick appears to be a cockerel, very good but he could be nicer. The more recent chicks hatched have all been yellow skinned and much nicer chicks. Most have been rumpless. One single tufted, most clean faced and this one chick is awesome, double tufted/rumpless and yellow skin!

The chick is a little more fluffed up here. The tufts look pretty even at this point, fully rumpless, very yellow skin.....and huge feet. Lol. Hoping for a cockerel

So not to really bring up the interbreeding arguement again but when I first got into chickens a guy who was into chickens told me you could breed for right generations I think that's rediculus but is it true?

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