Araucana thread anyone?

This whole discussion is why I want the Quetros and coloncas to run with my aracaunas. Get enough DNA in there and maybe some of the problems don't happen.
I agree, better to mix up some bloodlines and get different DNA in there.

Not sure I understand your question daskhan. You can inbreed all you want, but it isn't a good thing. That is why (in most places) you aren't supposed to marry your siblings or cousins.
Oh! I did not know that!! I have the same answer to you as the person below so if you don't mind reading below..

Sorry it took a bit to get back to you, went out of state to pick up some new stock... :)

For some reason it didn't quote your whole post so I copied and pasted... :/

"I asked him if it could possibly be an Araucana and he said he does have one rooster + hen in the same pen as his Ameraucana's. So it's possible! Of course, he could just be lying to me because I was so excited."

From this info I would say Easter Egger on any Ameraucana or Araucana from this guy... and any other breed would be suspect for me as well... a breeder of either breed would never mix both of those in the same pen and sell "pures" for either one... and if he lied about anything, I would feel that he could be lying about anything he is breeding...

Outcrosses are done by many for "projects" but they are rebred back to fit standards and any culls if sold are never sold as pures...

Not trying to burst your bubble, but my opinion is this guy is just too shady to trust that anything is what he says it is... only way to tell for sure is to grow them out and see how they look, what they lay and test breed if necessary...

This is all just my opinion though... :)
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The chick is a little more fluffed up here. The tufts look pretty even at this point, fully rumpless, very yellow skin.....and huge feet. Lol. Hoping for a cockerel

Oh dear, please warn us before you post a picture like this.. My heart can't possibly handle all of this cute and brain is having a hard time processing how darn adorable this chick is!!!!!
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I agree, better to mix up some bloodlines and get different DNA in there.  

Not sure I understand your question daskhan.  You can inbreed all you want, but it isn't a good thing.  That is why (in most places) you aren't supposed to marry your siblings or cousins.  

My question was basically at what point does the line breeding become bad like you mate nephew and aunt or sister and brother will you get tarded chicken off bat or does it take 2or more gens before they become dirdadir I was told it was eight generations before you see real problems
And some nasty FYI: in 24 states it's legal to marry your cousin in every state it's legal to marry your second cousin
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there are single comb EE that lay green eggs.
Yes there are, but they usually Legbar in their ancestry, not Ameraucana or Araucana. Since the bird in question had muffs, it's likely an Ameraucana derived Easter Egger. With those types of Easter Eggers, the pea comb gene and the blue egg gene are usually inherited together. There are exceptions, of course, but they are very rare. I didn't say it wasn't impossible for it to lay a colored egg, I said that it isn't very likely.
Yes there are, but they usually Legbar in their ancestry, not Ameraucana or Araucana. Since the bird in question had muffs, it's likely an Ameraucana derived Easter Egger. With those types of Easter Eggers, the pea comb gene and the blue egg gene are usually inherited together. There are exceptions, of course, but they are very rare. I didn't say it wasn't impossible for it to lay a colored egg, I said that it isn't very likely.

in some european countries there are green egg layers although there are no araucanas, ameraucanas or legbars or at least people are unfamiliar with those breeds. all of these chickens are single combed and look like ordinary mutts. people do not know where those green eggs come from. probably leftovers from someone's project which has been kept a secret.

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