Araucana thread anyone?

Genetically speaking what happens when you cross a bearded and muffed chicken w/ a tufted araucana with regard to probabilty of muffs, beards or tufts? Equal chance of each? Does any one of those make any others unlikely?
Here is a project I was working with till I got bored. I hatched alot of birds with various combinations of the following: Bearded, muffed, crested, tufted, rumpless, and blue egg gene.

Here is one of my chicks that had everything

And this is one of my pullets that got everything but the crest

I would say that 50% of my project chicks were tufted and bearded and muffed.

Here is a project I was working with till I got bored. I hatched alot of birds with various combinations of the following: Bearded, muffed, crested, tufted, rumpless, and blue egg gene.

Here is one of my chicks that had everything

And this is one of my pullets that got everything but the crest

I would say that 50% of my project chicks were tufted and bearded and muffed.

Wooo Hoooo Music to my ears!!!!!!!!
I have an Araucana hen...she is approx. 10 months old. She seems to be attempting to lay her first egg and she can not get it out. She is suffering at this point and I don't know how to help her or if I should even help her or put her out of her misery. It seems like her hip bones are close together and the egg is too large to pass through. Does this happen with Araucana? What should I do I hate seeing her suffer. Thank You!
i really dont know for sure. She keeps pushing trying to pass "something". Either an egg or prolapse possibly???? OR I was wondering if Araucanas can have a problem with their body shape that makes it difficult to pass eggs. this would be her first egg and she is really suffering. I felt her abdomen, her pubis bones seem too close together for the mass to pass through.
i haven't. if no one on this thread is responding fast enough, go over the medical/health forum. there are people there who can assist.
I did that first and did get some help. This is my thread i have been nursing her for a couple of days but nothing is really getting accomplished. So I thought I would post here as Araucana are different than other breeds and can have different problems. Just didnt know if any Araucana people had experienced this as a breed issue. If so I was going to put her out of her misery and end her suffering

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