Araucana thread anyone?

Okay now I have to ask -- how do you know if it's an EE? I went to "Chick Day" at a nearby farm and walked away with three "Araucanas" and two Buff Orpingtons. I've read a lot things about how tons of places sell chicks as Araucanas but they actually aren't. What's the difference between them and EE's? The coloring of the hen in this picture is a heck of a lot like mine.
Okay now I have to ask -- how do you know if it's an EE? I went to "Chick Day" at a nearby farm and walked away with three "Araucanas" and two Buff Orpingtons. I've read a lot things about how tons of places sell chicks as Araucanas but they actually aren't. What's the difference between them and EE's? The coloring of the hen in this picture is a heck of a lot like mine.

Well I can tell just by the coloring. Pure Araucana's only have certain colours.
I have Lavender Araucana's. But I live in Aus so our standard if different to yours, so my Araucana's might be called Ameraucana's. ( think that is how you spell it )
Okay now I have to ask -- how do you know if it's an EE? I went to "Chick Day" at a nearby farm and walked away with three "Araucanas" and two Buff Orpingtons. I've read a lot things about how tons of places sell chicks as Araucanas but they actually aren't. What's the difference between them and EE's? The coloring of the hen in this picture is a heck of a lot like mine.
I'm still learning a lot about this as well but there are certain breed specifics for Araucanas(rumpless,tufted,coloring), Ameraucana (muffs, beards, coloring) etc. Easter eggers (not a specific breed recognized by the APA but more often refers to egg color) tend to be a mix of one of the above with other breeds. All three of which can lay blue eggs and are often confused. This is the short version as I understand it I'm sure there are experts available to provide more through information and a great EE thread on BYC for sharing more about these fun birds!
Hard to tell if she is an Aruacana. Should be rump less,(no tail) but they can have tails. If it is an Araucana than it is just not up to standard. No showing. Very interesting color.

You can get Rumpless and Non Rumpless PURE BRED Araucana's.

They both have a standard and are both recognized as a breed.

Here is Aus, rumpless are rare so tailed Araucana's are more popular. They are still a Pure breed and are completely recognized. I am not entirely sure what it is like in the US.\
In the US an Araucana is a rump or tailless bird. An Ameraucana is the same as an Araucana but has a tail. And an EE is mix of either Araucana or Ameraucana with any other breed of chicken.

EE's are they result of a pure bred rumpless ( Araucana ) or non tailed ( Ameraucana ) that is crossed with ANY other breed of chicken.

When you cross two colours of Araucana, eg Lavender and Black, it make a splash. Still Pure.

When you cross a rumpless and a non rumpless you will get 50% rumpless offspring and 50% tailed offspring.

Pure Bred Araucana's have certain colours. Here are some of them. Wheaten, black, Lavender I think there is 2-3 more.
Pure Bred Araucana's will have either Slate or black legs, they should have a pea comb.

There is a whole list of what a pure bred Araucana should and shouldn't have. Some one must have explained it on this thread some where. There is thread on it some where.

But this is all I could find. Still helpful -

I think people are getting confused because people mis spell the name as well so that gets really confusing.
I have seen on BYC all these names - Americana, Ameracana, Americauna, Ameraucana.
the last one Ameraucana is the correct one.
I have seen Americana the most, I think because that's what spell check agrees

Hope this helps.

Glad I found this topic thread! I have 34 8 week old Americans and I have about 50 coming from my neighbor's farm tomorrow! I love the Olof scheme of Americanas and I am ready to supplement my RIR Brown Eggs with some color.

Question I have:

My Amerecanas have fully feathered, but have seem to be cold tolerant. They still want to stand on each other in a huddle. Is this normal for Amereicanas to develop slower than others?

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