Araucana thread anyone?

Beautiful rooster! But isnt that a cushion comb? Is that a common defect in Araucanas?

Hmmm, I see a pea comb, which is the desired for Araucana. Is cushion a type of pea comb defect?
here is a side view

For me they are well loved pets. I am new to the breed, only having them for 2 yrs now. I am not a Breeder, I do not know all the qualities they are supposed to have and I do not show. Although I did hatch a bunch over winter once I got some tufted birds this past fall to sell a few since there are so many people saying they want them. That is why we post pictures here. To learn what's supposed to be what
Beautiful rooster! But isnt that a cushion comb? Is that a common defect in Araucanas?

Hmmm, I see a pea comb, which is the desired for Araucana. Is cushion a type of pea comb defect?

A cushion comb is a combination of both pea and rose comb genes.
Hmmm, I see a pea comb, which is the desired for Araucana. Is cushion a type of pea comb defect?

A cushion comb is a combination of both pea and rose comb genes.

Very interesting - I've never heard that before. I can see how you would see a rose comb in there - I don't see any rows of "peas" and it's the right shape. Cool.

My oh my, that rooster is striking.
I wondered what you all would think to this. I went to the feed store yesterday and they had some new chicks. "Those are Araucana."

Really? I didn't want to be rude, but took a second look at them. They had puffy cheeks. Their little butts had the tiniest hint of a tail. It wasn't a regular tail bump.

What is the chance they got half decent Araucanas?

I would have loved to buy a dozen, but I've got 43 eggs in the incubator scheduled to hatch today. I bragged to my mother that I went to Tractor Supply earlier in the day and resisted their fluffy butts (even the bunnies). DH looked up from Top Gear and said "Thank GOD!"
Your chances a feedstore would sell real Araucanas are 1 in 1,000,000. Tails and especially beards/muffs mean they're Easter Eggers.

Neat boys so far everyone. I'm so excited to say I'm getting about 4-5 Araucana eggs a day now, so I thought putting up an auction for some assorted eggs is in order.
I'll be taking actual orders for specific breedings sometime soon when fertility is sure thing around here. The boys are loving girls with tails (in my Olive Egger breeding) but some just don't seem to care for their own breed. My Cuckoos however. . . They're on a role!

I sent you a message. I know someone who has had really good success with hatching eggs with bubbles in them. He doesn't put them in the egg turner for the first couple of days. He hatches shipped araucana eggs all year long and routinely gets eggs with bubbles.


I get fairly good results with hatching araucana in an incubator. From my own eggs I get 50% t0 75% average in an incubator. Using a broody I get closer to 90%. With shipped eggs I only ever got one batch to hatch out of the different batches I bought and had shipped. The batch that hatched I had purchased 10 and 5 hatched which is tremendous for araucana and amazing for shipped araucana eggs.

Auto turning always produces better results because you don't have to keep opening the incubator to turn the eggs, so maintaining temp and humidity is easier. This year I am using dry incubation method and am using cheapo styrofoam incubators and hatchers. Last year I used a cabinet incubator I had built myself. It did ok but was hard to keep temp and humidity constant. This year my hatch rates are about 25% to 30% better. I don't know if it is the dry incubation method or the styrofoam incubators that are making the difference.

Gold Griffin Chicken Mom,

The only way you would get true araucana at a feed store is if a local breeder set up to sell their excess chicks thru the feedstore. I have even considered for the future. However araucanas do not have puffy cheeks as chicks, unless heavily tufted and no breeder is going to let those chicks go to a feed store. Most araucana, even tufted ones, have fairly smooth faces with a couple of tiny longer fuzzies if tufted. I do get tails in my flock from time to time ( drat them) and it is easy to tell those from the rumpless ones.

Top Gear is my husbands and I favorite show to watch together. I usually hate car shows. I swear I will have a Bughati when I am rich and famous.

Thank you. You've confirmed what I thought. They were cute little babies. Oh well.

My son (8) loves watching Top Gear with his Dad, but he'll watch it with me if he has to. Sonny wants a rocket car, a Toyota pickup with outboard motor, and several other assorted oddities thanks to that show. Out of the blue one day son informed me: "Dad is going to give both my sisters a Saab for college, but he's giving me a BMW convertible."

Hubby says "Dream on..."

I would be thrilled with just about any of the fast cars they test drive, but thanks to Magnum, PI, I still have a thing for red ferraris.
My husband, son, and I still giggle over the bumper dumper episode. We watch all the re-runs. Its the only car show we watch, thank goodness.

I wasn't so fortunate with my last TSC visit. I came home with 6 Ameraucana( EE) babies ( I of course refused to call them Ameraucanas and kept calling them Easter Eggers as they were ringing me up) . They are way cuter than my Araucana babies (gasp!!) yes I said it. But I still love my Araucanas better.

I had 9 Araucanas hatch yesterday. I had set 12 and 3 died early. Course they were all the ones out of my silver duckwing pen. 9 is a great hatch rate though and all 12 were fertile.

I just set 20 more eggs in the incubator today. I actually had 3 dozen but only room for the 20 I set. I will put them in next weekend. I shipped out 6 dozen to various parts of the US this month. My orders have slowed down this week so I am definately going to have to buy another cheapo incubator so I can set more eggs. Sucks to be me! LOL!! Now if I could just get it together to buy the sportsman I want. I am so jealous Megan.


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