Araucana thread anyone?

Your roo looks like my double tufted roo, only mine is not a Gary Ramey bird.

My roo Mr. Splash, the girls peck his tufts something aweful


So weird but happy thing. I just had a silver blue chipmonk chick hatch that has two really nice tufts. Weird thing is that the roo from that pen is cleanfaced and the hen that laid the egg is cleanfaced. So, I am thinking that the hen must be tufted, but they don't show. I am running out to take a close look at her again. I am glad my pens are so small ( 3 to 4 hens per roo), because I know the color and shape of each hens egg and I mark them when they come out of the pen.

wonder if that might happen for me? i only have the 4 and have my fingers and toes crossed that when i start hatching some tufted baby will show up out of nowhere haha. I think i'm almost hoping that the black that hatched last is a roo because i think the tailed blue may be a hen, she makes the same grumping gumbles as the other for sure hen when i pick her up... I should get some updated photos.

This is the first double tufted chick to hatch so far, gave it a five day grace period before I dared to stare at it or more so take a pic! Have had quite a few fully formed die in the shell but still have hatched a nice assortment of blues, blacks, brown( wild type color) and one black with white wing flights that I hope will be a splash. Have read somewhere that theoretically a double tufted breeding to a clean-face should produce at least 25% tufted chicks. I haven't found this to be correct, at least not in my case. Makes me wonder if the percentage of tufts maybe varies with the bloodline?
Oh, Stacykins- I know that we are not to covet what other's have but in your case with all those tufted babies I just can't help it!! Great hatch, congrats! Charlie
Charlie, if you were closer, I'd definitely be willing to share!

Since I think I will have TOO MANY araucanas soon. Yea, I failed at chicken math! You see, I was thinking my hatch wouldn't go so well, so I ordered more eggs to set in the 'bator as soon as this hatch was done. So I have 24 more eggs in the 'bator due to hatch on July 9th! So erm, anyone in Michigan wanna benefit from my overestimation?! I mean, I want them to grow out for a few weeks to see who is who, but I'll definitely have too many even with the hatch that just happened
Oh, and to thrust a little temptation into the thread, here are some MORE pictures of the recent purebred araucana babies that hatched!




And some of the tuft free ones that are equally adorable!


Toe is fine, just stood on it weird




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