Araucana thread anyone?

First one is double tufted and rumpless. A pretty blue. Second one started pipping this morning and hasn't gone any further. I gently picked a few pieces of shell away and broke the skin so that I can see in. Its still breathing and looks to be dark. I already have 7 blacks/mottled blacks, and 5 wild ones. All blacks are doubled tufted and 6 are rumpless. One black has a real small tail. Of the 5 wild ones, at least 2 are doubles and rumpless. I tried taking pics tonight as it was getting dark. They didn't come out very good.

Chick #1
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How come I can't edit anymore?  I was having problems posting pics so I hit SUMBIT with the idea of coming back and trying to post more pics.

I got the feeling that everybody and their cousin was on BYC last night. Forever for the page to open, next to forever for the post to open. Saw your post this morning and wondered if my phone was just being "special" again and refusing to show me pictures of pretty chickie babies.

My daughter was wild about the duckwing colored females. One hen had pale cream, HUGE tufts that contrasted to her silver base and her rooster was a beautiful little gentleman. I was ready to go grab some more money and get even more birds, but I stopped myself, lol. It was only about 92F but we were dripping sweat.

For the record, Mr. Neal does "drive by roostering". I think I'm glad I'm not so close after all!
Second one is out and it too is blue,doubled tufted and I think rumpless. Thats at least 11 out of 14 chicks out of Stacys hens eggs/chicks that were double tufted and 10 of those 11 are rumpless. Way to go Stacy.
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I set 22 eggs from Ray_n_Debi under two broodies about 3 weeks ago, and today we have chicks! At least two--one light colored and stripey looking and one lavender. These are just the ones that are peeking out at me. The other hen is clucking too. And of course, now I have to leave for the evening. More later!
Go chickies go!!

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