Araucana thread anyone?

That is the one thread on BYC I will never again visit, I would rather leave BYC entirely before going back on that thread, and I am seriously byc addicted.
Agreed, Kass! Aren't they're the most uppity and pretentious bunch?? I hate to say it, too, but they turned me off wanting any of their Ameraucanas, period.
ETA: I hope that comment doesn't get me in trouble. It's just pretty sad when a breed thread can turn you off from posting about that breed.
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Wow, now I am going to have to go look!

In other news, my babies are now 7 weeks old and I'm seeing a lot of sparring.

Here's Oriole and Sparrow in a stand off.

Lark got the upper hand here by using the stump!

Sorry for the photo quality. I have to use a very fast shutter speed to get them in focus in the shade. Doesn't make for the best exposures.

Good morning! I'm looking for a few chicks that I can slip under a broody. Anybody got some for sale in the N. California area - I'd rather drive than ship...
Thanks, Shannon - let me know how your hatch goes. It's only a couple of hours to vacaville, so its an easy drive.
I'm most interested in duckwings, since I've got a beautiful gold duckwing cockerel from Lanae. Blacks/blues/splashes would be cool too.
Sadly I don't have much luck with whites. They all seem to have an "EAT ME, FOX!!" sign on their foreheads.
Newest pictures or Mr. Blue, my blue cockerel laddie. I love him. Though he has one problem...he lacks tact with the hens. My splash rooster Ambrose, he will romance the laddies. He'll dance, tidbit, and treat them kindly before asking for some loving. Mr. Blue will run them down until he can catch them, a wham bam thank you ma'am sort thing! It is kind of funny looking outside and seeing him running at top speed after a hen! Hopefully he learns...haha.

Newest pictures or Mr. Blue, my blue cockerel laddie. I love him. Though he has one problem...he lacks tact with the hens. My splash rooster Ambrose, he will romance the laddies. He'll dance, tidbit, and treat them kindly before asking for some loving. Mr. Blue will run them down until he can catch them, a wham bam thank you ma'am sort thing! It is kind of funny looking outside and seeing him running at top speed after a hen! Hopefully he learns...haha.

Pretty boy! I like his nice long back and his tufts.

Here's a rookie question: Why are the tufts sometimes such a different color from the rest of the bird? This rooster has very nice tufts in a beautiful contrasting light blue. Other birds have tufts the same color as the rest of their face feathers.

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