
Hmmmm. Thats a thought. My other breeds are speckled sussex, barred rock, australorp and rhode island red. She is much larger than all. Could she be a white rock?
Got our chicks at a local feedstore. Preordered by breed, chose both araucanas out of bin at pick up. The rest appear to be correct breeds.
No feed store carries Araucana. Feed stores order from hatcheries. There is not a single hatchery with true Araucana. They have misrepresented Easter Eggers. Easter Eggers have a wide range of sizes, temperaments, and colorings.
Thank you junebuggena. This is our first batch of chicks, total newbies but i thought i did my research. Poultry parent i was thinking maybe she was put in the wrong bin and was actually a white rock. I guess ill find out for sure once she lays an egg!
Thank you! Loving them so far. Theyve been outside in their coop and run 2 weeks. Fascinating how they all put themselves to bed like clock work!
Definatly not an Araucana. They should be double tuffted, and rumpless. I agree with Junebugg, no hatcheries carry true Araucanas. They are Americaunas or more often Easter Eggers misrepresented.

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