Araucana's Compatability?


8 Years
Feb 14, 2011
This is my very first post!
I am a farm girl who was raised with well over 130 chicken flock but now am living in the city for a little while to follow this cute Navy husband of mine around.

We are just about to get our first backyard chickens. I know backyard chickens are different than free range. I am planning on getting 3 chicks. I know I want to go with Rhode Island Whites, but then thought maybe a Araucana would be fun too.

I know on the farm the Araucanas are a little fiesty and stick to themselves and when they get too close with some of the other breeds will really peck at each other.

So I was wondering since these guys are urban and will be in an actual fenced in space.... would they get along? Do Araucanas seem to get along better with any breed?

Thanks guys!
I know I will need lots of support as I transition from free range larger scale chicken raising to this urban stuff!

I can't help you with your question but I will be watching the answers from others. I am wanting BO's and Aruaucanas and have been worried about compatibility too.
Well, to help you anyway. . .

Be sure that you know you're getting REAL Araucanas
Real, rumpless Chilean Araucanas are rare, and most people, especially local "breeders" just have hatchery based "Easter Egg" chickens that are mutts, anything but true Araucanas, which do indeed have varying personalities and can be fiesty. True Araucanas aren't aggressive though, and do quite well with other breeds.

Same with Rhode Island Whites - they're exceedingly rare and pretty hard to obtain, even moreso than Araucanas. Hatcheries claim to sell them, but they don't. True Rhode Island Whites are large, meaty, level backed white birds with rose combs.

As for Easter Egger chickens, - Most get along pretty well, but it's all about how they're raised and bred. A lot of EE's are bred with no goal in mind with behavior, so some can indeed be fiesty, skittish, or even friendly. Most people end up with friendly hens though, and they get along fine with others.
Yeah I am using the same local breeder my parents have been using for almost 20 years.

I will talk with my mom about her knowledge on the "true" breed. They are fiesty!
The white's are kinda what the guy is known for. Hers have always been good with varying weather and my family farm is north OH and now I am in southern VA. So I am worried about hot summers and know others who said their RHW did well is VA summers.
We shall see.
I have Ameraucanas and they get along well with all my other just took the normal amount of time to introduce them to new flock members
Plain and simple, the easter eggers that I once had were bullies. They was always mean to my new hampshires. The new hampshires stayed and the easter eggers went into the freezer.

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