Are Acorns safe for chickens to eat?


9 Years
Apr 24, 2014
United States
Hello, I have MANY acorns and I was wondering if it is safe for chickens to eat. Do you feed your chickens acorns and are they alright?

I read it has high levels of tannin so can chickens handle tannin like squirrels, quail, and deer can?
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I made the mistake of breaking a couple open for my chickens while clearing some off my lawn (it has been a banner year for acorns here.)

I can't bend over to pick anything up without them all running over and begging for more.

I do not believe that an animal would LOVE a naturally occurring food that much if it were bad for them. Also, turkeys eat them.

I have read that feeding above 20% can result in a drop in production.

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