Buttheads? Anyone else have mean Cochins?
I have a pair of Lavender ones and a white pullet and all 3 are downright nasty to other chickens...size doesn't matter to them. I am hoping they outgrow it, but right now they are terrorizing my two 3 month old game hens along with the Silkies and any other chicken they didn't grow up with. The females are the worst. They go about their business and then on a whim off they go, chasing some unsuspecting chickie, just to be mean.
They are sweet to us and will even fly up in my lap to get a treat, but I feel bad for my other chickens. My Standard Cochin isn't anything like that.
Is there any way to break them of this? They are taking the pecking order thing to a major extreme and I am about to get rid of them!
I have a pair of Lavender ones and a white pullet and all 3 are downright nasty to other chickens...size doesn't matter to them. I am hoping they outgrow it, but right now they are terrorizing my two 3 month old game hens along with the Silkies and any other chicken they didn't grow up with. The females are the worst. They go about their business and then on a whim off they go, chasing some unsuspecting chickie, just to be mean.
They are sweet to us and will even fly up in my lap to get a treat, but I feel bad for my other chickens. My Standard Cochin isn't anything like that.
Is there any way to break them of this? They are taking the pecking order thing to a major extreme and I am about to get rid of them!