Are ameraucana chicks usually mean?

True Ameraucana are generally very gentle. Hatchery sourced Easter Eggers, on the other hand, are not bred with temperament in mind. There can be a huge range from extremely flighty, to cuddle in your lap with Easter Eggers. 

These ones came from ideal hatchery
When he displays the aggression, grab him by the feathers on the back of his neck, and hold his head down to the ground, until he ceases to struggle.  Do this every time.  Or you can peck him back with your finger.  Every time you correct him, say NO!   Or you could have a box handy, and when he displays aggression to you, plop him in the box until you're finished doing what you came to do.  Take your time finishing your chicken chores, while you're at it!  They can be trained.  But, some birds are beyond training.  they make wonderful soup.  If training doesn't work, you may need to remove him before he is soup worthy.  My roo knows the meaning of the word "NO!"  I'm convinced he knows his name, also!  When he's chasing down a pullet, I verbally reprimand him, and he will stop, give me the "You talking to me?" look, and go find something else to do.

Thank you. I will try these things. I've just never had a chicken be so mean at just 4 weeks old!
he/she may be just trying to establish pecking order with you! gotta nip that bud!

My Buff Orpington was surprisingly mean to other chicks when she was a baby chick, but she was just establishing her hierarchy. It was funny because she was reared with my Black Australorp rooster (was supposed to be a girl) and he always put her in her place, until I had to give him away. She's the most chill gentle leader now.
I have 3 Americaunas, all pullets. (I'm pretty sure)
They used to get their behinds kicked by the RIR's, but not so much anymore, esp now that they're bigger.
They're flighty, and non aggressive. One of them is huge. I mean really big. It's the only one who is really shy and won't eat from my hand.
Not that it matters, but their names are Whacko, Yakko, and Dot.

I haven't found a mean bird in my flock yet.
I just went to ideals website and they say they have ameraucanas
Yes, they claim to have Ameraucana, but their Ameraucana hardly resemble the breed. The best way to tell if a hatchery actually has Ameraucana versus Easter Eggers is that Ameraucana are always sold with as a specific color variety. If no color variety is specified, then you are getting Easter Eggers.
My Easter Eggers from Ideal don't even have muffs, but one girl lays a pretty blue egg just about everyday.
Yes, they claim to have Ameraucana, but their Ameraucana hardly resemble the breed. The best way to tell if a hatchery actually has Ameraucana versus Easter Eggers is that Ameraucana are always sold with as a specific color variety. If no color variety is specified, then you are getting Easter Eggers.
My Easter Eggers from Ideal don't even have muffs, but one girl lays a pretty blue egg just about everyday.

Ohhhhh okay. I understand now

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