Are banty roos as loud as standards???

Definitely! My OEGB actually crows louder than my Buff Orp roo!
I heard my banty silkie roo crow for the first time this morning (we just got him yesterday) and it was so funny. He is in my basement right now in quarantine but i cant wait till he goes outside

(i think he is a banty anyway)
It dpepends on the individual bird. I've had bantams all my life, love them to death, and love to hear em crow in the mornings, or whenever. My lot is two acres, and is zoned agricultural, so I have
a milk cow, horse, and the bantams as well as egg layers. Drives my neighbors crazy each mornig, and i love it. Their dogs, which should be on a leash have at times killed some of my chickens leave me with no pity for the owners, so let my roo's crow to their hearts content.
Thanks for all the replies. I had a wishful thought, but y'all crushed it...

But hey, what about the mellow banties such as brahma and cochins? Do they also crow as loud and often? Wishful thinking continues...
Yes, specifically, are any of you experienced with quieter breeds?

My Chicken Encyclopedia swears Cochin Banties are quieter than most other roos- I'm praying that's true...I feel like I've said it 9 times today...

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