Are Buff Orphingtons calm and quiet hens???


10 Years
Apr 20, 2009
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
I have two Barred Rocks now 1 yr old. The problem is when the one goes into the nesting box the other one cackles until she comes back down about 30 mins!!!

I want to add one more hen and was considering a BO so she would have some company and not feel lonely.

Would a BO be a good choice?
Hi, mine are NOT quiet hens by any means, they are almost 1 year old and they make plenty of noise cackling away especially if I'm late letting them out in the morning. But I still love them!
I have 2 Buff Orpingtons. One is a screamer in or off the nest. The other is a screamer in the nest only. My barred rocks are quiet,even in the nest. Go figure!
My flock consists of four Buff Orps, and they are not quiet at all. My screen name reflects their personality. They are Hooligans, not Orpingtons.
That's normal hen behaviour. They are social creatures, and the breed won't make much difference as far as laying noises or behaviour. Almost all hens will announce the arrival of a new egg.
My roosters even like to help announce! Now THAT'S loud!

Just as a btw? There's no H in Orpington.
I've had 11 BOs., they are definitely the calmest and quiet for chickens. I think my Black Australorps were less noisey, but I only had 2.
My EE's are the quietest in my flock. They do the egg-song for a few seconds and thats about it. I have 2 BA's who people say are a quiet breed so if thats the case they make my EE's look like mute lil' angels
Of my flock, the Black Australorps seem to be the quietest - I have BRs, BOs, EEs, RIRs, a Dark Cornish, and a Brown Leghorn.

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