Are certain breeds more "delicate" as chicks than others?


Brown Barns Farm
11 Years
Sep 23, 2008
near Albany, New York
I recently received some black and white silkies. I started out with 12 black and 10 white. Within the first 36 hours 3 black ones have died.
I've found the poor little things laying on the bottom. I have had chicks before. Correct temp, no drafts, medicated chick starter, vaccinated against Mareks. No touching. All the white ones are fine. Any suggestions?
I had one die shortly after I got mine. I think maybe they were sick when you got them. I think mine was. I guess you will just have to wait and see if any others die. I didn't get mine vaccinated but did put them on medicated chick starter.
Thanks Cmom. I feel terrible. I am not a tough one - death makes me very emotional. My DH tells me that with all these chickens I should try to toughen up a bit as sometimes bad things can happen after all my best efforts. Yeah, like I can not be upset!

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