Are chickens capable of affection?

Mine act like I'm Lizzie Borden, even when I'm bringing treats....
most of mine love me & show affection. I have one that hates humans in general.
My lap chickens snuggle their heads against me & practically purr.
I am glad evryone else gets love from theirs mine don't care. the 6 NJG chicks don't really want to be held, and the 3 dom's run from me, but they are grown. I have sat in the coop with them, tried to get them to come to me, nothing. the chicks are slowly learning that i am the hand with food. I never knew they could eat so much. Since Saturday the 6NJG have ate a quart size ziplock bag full of chick starter. They are getting very big. Everytime I check on them they are out of food and they just chirp chirp if i don't give them more. Are they just greedy? They love me when I give them food.
or at least they pretend to.
"boy do we have mommie fooled" that's what they are chirping about.
Mine come to the edge of the roost and demand daily hugs. They put their little heads on my shoulder and close their eyes.

When I sit in the yard they'll drop what they're doing and hop on my lap for pets and snuggling.
They're just as affectionate as the cats.

bamadominaker chicks are naturally fearful it's what helps keep them alive when they're just little chicken nuggets with legs. Wait till the get big and just go sit with them. They'll warm up to you, especially if you bring treats!
My farmer friend had one that would hop onto his shoulder every time he went into the barn. He didn't feed it treats either. He was annoyed because she started reaching around when he was talking and pecking at this teeth. Maybe she didn't love him -- maybe she WAS just looking for treats! It was hilarious to the rest of us.
when oldest son was little he had a banty hen named Rosie she would ride on his big wheel with him and was frequently carried around on his shoulder.
I had one that used to jump on my shoulder EVERY time I went into the coop. (And I didn't particularly WANT her to do that, LOL) Now I have a barred rock that follows me a lot of the time when I'm outside and "talks" to me. If I talk to her, she will follow me everywhere, even if I don't give her any treats.

Of my new buff orps in the brooder, one will climb on my arm and chirp. If she sees my friend across the room, she gets all agitated and hops up and down and tries to fly to him.

The rest of the brooder babies act scared of me. The light brahmas peck my hand when I reach in.

My JG's loved me when they were chicks, then couldn't be bothered, and then they got real affectionate when they started laying eggs. My BO as well.

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