are chickens pets?

Are chickens pets?

  • yes

    Votes: 329 92.9%
  • no

    Votes: 25 7.1%

  • Total voters
What few that have are all pets.We talk when I am cleaning them . They always let me know when eggs are presented, and id they go broody ,well that is how I got ten chickens.
I always wish my chickens a good morning, adding some comments about the weather. The chickens walk along, very the food I present them.
Yes, they are pets, and it's no problem if they get too old and stop laying eggs. I think that the ladies deserve a peaceful retirement after feeding us for all those years, so they stay until the end.
Strange enough I only name the roosters, and sometimes a "strange" hen. Like Camille, because she looks like a Muppet-chicken.
I'm so glad there are so many out there like me. I never thought I would love them so much, but they are so much fun. Each has her own personality and habits. I work some evenings and really miss my afternoon walk and talk time with them. 2 have just begun jumping up to sit on my lap when I'm sitting outside watching them.
I have 3 Silkies 1 jersey giant 2 slw 1 easter egger1 polish 2 mottled houdans 2 specleld sussex and 1 buff orp and they are just as much pets as the 3 dogs and cat
They are pets, if you don't abuse them and make them mean, if you spend time with them, love them and respect them, they can be the sweetest babies, and they might even jump on your lap to get petted or held
Mine are like that. LOVED!
Spoiled! And I enjoy doing it. When they hear my voice or I open the back door and they all come running it sure makes me feel good. I talk to them all the time just as I do to my dogs. They all have names But they do at times go to freezer camp. This is reality. Until that freezer calls their name though they are my pets.
Pets? Hmmm

Well, I make them oatmeal and yogurt every morning, crush their pinfeather casings for them when they're itchy and kiss them on the tops of their sweet little heads.

One of our babies fell over dead and my youngest, with tears streaming down his face, demanded we have a funeral for her. (we did)

All have names, and each one "belongs" to a different member of our family.

We fight over who gets to name them and we have to take a long time and give due consideration to the choices.

We take their pictures, sit with them, show them to our friends and talk to them.

When a cat got in and chased 2 out of the yard, never to be seen again, we were devastated.

We spent over $300 on a coop my husband designed and built as an exact replica of "The little house on the prairie" Complete with wiring and thermostat.

Naw... they're just chickens....


I know this isn't the right place to post this, but if you know a lot about Barred Rocks and Cuckoo Marans, please go to my profile and click in my thread, "Is Lacey a Cuckoo Maran???!!!"


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