are chickens pets?

Are chickens pets?

  • yes

    Votes: 329 92.9%
  • no

    Votes: 25 7.1%

  • Total voters
It depends on how you see them. I don't get too personal with them, I use them for eggs and meat. I treat them with respect and digninity. I try and keep my emotional distance though its hard sometimes as they do have their own personalities. I hatch eggs all the time. I tend to keep the weak ones or chicks that are born with deformities, I have a softspot for them and I want to make sure they have a good life if all possible.
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Mine are all about half and half. They are pets with a spending limit. But I do eventually want to do birds for meat and that flock will not be getting names or any breed diversity. I am aiming for an all Australorp flock at some point. But that will be a while. I only have the two coops; one at capacity with layers (named) and one is dedicated for the bantams (my broodies :p )
My egg layers are pets, my meat birds are not. But both groups get treated with the utmost respect from me and my family. They always have enough food, water, and a clean cozy place to live in. The egg layers get my mushy lovey owner affection, though
......oh and all 24 have names!
All of my animals are pets. They all get attention, proper care, a name and if the time comes my thanks at providing a meal for my family.
Mine are pets because, laying or not, they will be here until they die of natural causes.

Some people have pet cats...and some have barn cats w/almost no interaction. Some people have working dogs that aren't petted and made over, while others have coddled pet dogs. To some, a snake is a vile creature. To others, a snake may be a treasured pet. Chickens are the same way. They can be beloved pets to some people, while to others they's simply livestock used to produce eggs and/or meat. We will be running the Old Biddy Retirement Home here in another few
Our rooster is a pet, no hen in home only him, he jump in my father lap and talk to him, he fall to sleep in his shoulder and went he is tired, he just leave in the afternoon and come back in the morning.

My girls are definitely pets. They come with I call. They follow me around the yard. I have even taught them to do simple tricks. They are just like my dogs only with feathers.

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