Are chicks always fearful?


6 Years
Mar 4, 2013
Hi, my chicks are one week old. They are very skittish. When I go to pick them up, they run and scamper to get as far away as possible. Is this normal? How can I get them used to me without scaring them so much? Is it good to handle them a lot at this age or not? Input, please!!!
Yes, it is natural as they are prey animals. Some breeds are worse than others, if you are going to have them as pets handle them a lot, just make sure they don't get cold when they are out of the brooder
They instinctively run away from what could be a hawk or other flying predator, so reaching toward them from above sets off this instinct. Try to approach from the side as much as possible. Lay your hand in the brooder and wait for them to get used to its presence. Speak to them quietl and let them get used to your voice. In time they will start to walk on your hand, and peck it gently to check it out. Don't grab them right away; give them time to get used to you. A little moistened feed on a finger should help. Be gentle and have patience, and they should lose their fear in time.
Thanks! I did try that and actually a couple of them did take some bits of grass out of my hand. I do want them to be used to me and not fearful. Really appreciate the input!
I have 4 young 6 weeks non of my chicks are what I would call "fearfull" and I hatch about 400/yr.

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