Are Coturnix quail good with other birds?


12 Years
Jan 15, 2008
Central Florida
I have been looking for some button quail to put in my cockatiel flight pen to clean up the extra seeds, but I have a friend that is offering me some Coturnix. I dont know much about them, but do you think they would serve this purpose well? Or will they attack my cockatiels? And how significantly different are them from buttons in size and personality?
Hey long time no see. I think they'll be okay but just watch them as some cocks can be quite aggressive. But for the most part they are good little birds and lay like mad. They are quite a bit bigger then the buttons but mine have always seemed pretty quiet and get along with others well.
Buttons are very small compared to even little brown coturnix "pharaoh quail" or what ever you call them, jumbos can tip the scale at 10+ oz. Being "flighty" starts high at the smallest bird, and goes down with the largest. Their temperament seams to follow the same base line.

Either would run around an aviary snapping up seeds, but all require a high quality, high PROTEIN diet in order to survive and thrive.
You will have to feed them their special feed over and above the seeds that the cockatiels waste.
Other than adding extra expense for dietary needs, their own special access to clean drinking water....Buttons or coturnix would make good bottom dwellers for any aviary.

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