Are Dominque chickens angry/bullies?


May 23, 2020
I recently got a Dominicker, what I’ve been taught to call Dominque chickens, as a replacement for a chick that died. The chick I originally bought was either a Barred Rock or Dominicker. Anyway, my dad raised Dominickers and Rhode Island Reds, so did my mom but she had more variety, and my dad keeps telling me that BB, the chick, will bully the other chicks and get violent with me and other people.

I looked it up and from what I found they’re supposed to be a gentle breed that gets bullied by other breeds, I have a Red Sex Link hen that is an asshole, but he keeps saying that BB will be the bully because the Dominicker roosters he had were assholes. Are they assholes or is my dad thinking his experience is a breed standard, which is what I figure?
You nailed it. Birds are all individuals, but generally Dominiques are not aggressive.
I have a Penciled Plymouth Rock who was the single one if her breed to survive. I have three coco marans who get bullied by the Plymouth Rock. She has been the top of the pecking order to the birds who are nearly twice her size....Garnet is her name but her nick name is Pill and Stinker.
I have a Dominique pullet who, so far, is the sweetest thing. Total lap chicken, gets along with her flockmates, just an absolute gem.

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