are duck eggs always so hard?


11 Years
Apr 18, 2008
Kodiak, Alaska
We're getting eggs on a regular basis from our three ducks. The eggs are stiffer, which I expected, but what I didn't expect was how hard the shells are! Are all duck eggs shells that way? They are getting a small amount of oyster shell and we free range all day, so they're getting lots of bugs and plants.

Just wondering if this is normal.
I think so. Mine are really hard too. I noticed they have a tangy sharp sort of taste too. I only tried a fork full of scrambled eggs once. I let others eat them usually.

How did yours taste?
My duck eggs are harder to crack as well. They are wonderful for baking cakes if you do not like them scrambled (I don't) They are a little chewy for me. But in my cakes they are the best !!
Thanks, everyone. At least this sounds normal. I was afraid if it wasn't that when the chickens started to lay I might need a chisel and hammer!

My husband has used the duck eggs as fried eggs, and everyone likes those. I scrambled up some the other night and my daughter didn't care for them. The taste was similar, but they were a little rubbery. I cooked them a long time too, as I do't like undercooked eggs. I think, though, in the case of duck eggs, a little bit softer and they would be more palatable. No funny tastes though, and ours free range - eating slugs (gross!) and anything else they can find.

Jayare - We have a black cayuga, a blue swede and a crested magpie. We got chickens at the same time, although, to my frustration, they are not laying yet. We got an assortment: 1 buff orpington (my favorite), 1 EE/Araucana, 1 Black Australorp, and 2 silver laced Wyandottes. The buff is by far the mellowist bird, with the australorp second. The EE is wild as a march hare and the wyandottes are not much mellower. I love them though. We free range them during the day as well, although we did have to put an electric fence up around the coop this spring due to bears in the area.
Hello Erin,
I got some Buff Orphs, RIR and a Black Australorp too and every time my 4 yo son and I go in to check for eggs he has to pick one of them up and hold them and carry them around with him, these are my mellowist birds. They like being held and petted. ( all 6 BO's are called Buffy and he has to hold Buffy every day)

I can't get close to my EE's, Silver Laced Wyendotes or my Phoenix' without them scurring away.


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