Are EE's hard to hatch?


12 Years
Mar 9, 2008
Bloomsburg, PA
I put 8 EE eggs in the bator only one hatched but it died. I did check them and 6 were good. I was just wondering if they are any harder to hatch. If anyone hatches EE's could you tell me if you have a hard time. I may do more next week. It all depends on all your answers. Thanks for all your help.
Nope, they did nothing. I did see the bulls eye in them. I had RIR's in with them and they came out ok. I guess I will try again. I only have 2 hens so I only get 1 or 2 eggs a day. Next week I'm hoping to put them in with some other RIR's I'm getting from Pine Grove.

Thanks for letting me know.
Not typically. They tend to be pretty hardy but it would depend exactly what mix of breeds they are. I found for some reason my hatchery EE crossed with my japanese bantams don't hatch well.
Mine hatch as good as any that I have. Around the 90% range. With my own eggs of course.
I was using my own eggs but I don't know what mix of breeds they are. I have 2 RIR roosters and I don't know if they are getting the EE hens. I am saving them up. I have the big bator warming up. And I'm waiting on eggs to come next week. So I'll try it again. Thanks everyone.

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