Are first eggs always small?

The hens are just now 6 months old and they are both Plymouth Barred Rock hens. I also have 2 black australorps and 2 buff orpingtons and 1 Cuckoo maran, however, they are not of laying age yet. In a month or two they will be ready.
Can I hatch these smaller size 'first eggs' in an incubator? I mean, the chick that will grow wont get stuck or something right?
I have a few chickens that just started laying too but want chicks so bad. (I have seen my rooster mating them)
Yes, you can incubate those pullet eggs, but it is smarter to wait until the eggs are a little larger. Chick that are so small are just a bit more delicate. Date your eggs and when they are a little larger, soon. then save for incubation. Some folks say that pullet eggs should never be set, but like you, I just cannot wait to see what some special birds will produce, and I want, not just chicks,but the breed's best or Show prospects. So if I have a setting hen, I may slip two or three under her --or in my Mini Brinsea incubator, can hatch 7 chicks, my choice of eggs. Don't be afraid of hatching pullet eggs for chicks for YOU>
I found my first egg on the 6th, and we've gotten 3 eggs since! The first was extra tiny, but they're already getting bigger.

1st - 38 grams
2nd - 52.3 grams
3rd - 49.4 grams

Mine has been laying for almost 3 weeks now and they are still pretty small. She is a black sex link. She has had two eggs that were the size of a large egg, and were double yolked, but all the others were small. The buff orpington thay just started laying had a larger first egg (not counting sodt shell) than the black sex links small ones.
They get bigger but every bird is different. My java laid monster eggs, BSL laid large, and my SS laid medium. All birds about the same size and their first eggs were about the same size. The SS eggs just never got that big. They will get bigger from the start though.

That being said, I have an Ameraucana now that started laying 12 days ago and has laid everyday since except one! All the eggs are the same size.
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The automatic grader and candiler I grew up on seperated eggs out into Pewee, small, medium, large, extra large, and jumbo.

On the imperial scale a large egg weighs 2 ounces each but a dozen large eggs must weigh at least 2 pounds but not over 27 ounces which is a dozen of extra-large eggs.

Here is some USDA rules and regs to help you better understand.[1].pdf

A dozen 50 gram egg is basically a dozen medium eggs because each egg will only weigh 1&3/4 ounces.

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