Are grit and oyster shells necessary?

When they move to the coop they will be on sand, will that be enough?

How coarse is the sand? Fine sand, absolutely not. If there's some variety in sizes, up to as large as pea sized, then that should be ok.

That said, grit is cheap and doesn't spoil. I don't see a reason not to offer it on the side just in case they want it.
I'm a new chick owner am trying to get an idea of what supplies I will need for them. I have ordered Scratch and Peck organic feed as their layer feed. Hopefully this lasts a long time because I ordered 50 lbs. and will wait till they finish their grower feed. But what else do I need? I hear mixed information about whether they need grit or oyster shells or diatamaceous earth dust bath? And if so, what age would I start giving the grit (some say now)?
Not exactly, the Oyster shell is too fragile to be used as grit and is fed because it is quickly broken and ingested where granite grit takes a long time to break down and can crush stuff like oyster shells.
Thank you Do you just add it to their food and how much.
At 2 weeks through 10 weeks I mix the Chick Grit into the Chick starter at a ratio of 1 to 40 by weight. 2 oz Grit to 5 lbs Feed.
The Poultry Grit and Oyster Shells I don't mix with the feed. I offer them in their own container. 20181214_095753.jpg

I think using DE depends on where you are. I always have a big bag of it as I use it around my kennel. As I’m in Georgia, my red clay doesn’t make for much dust so I always had a corner in the pen where I’d add DE when the ground was too packed for creating dust.

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