Are hawks loners, or could this group of 3 circling my house be hawks?


8 Years
May 14, 2011
Smoky Mountains
I am having issues with a hawk (like so many others right now). Anyway, it's always been a single red tail hanging around. But looking up right now, I see 3 very large birds circling my house, some hundreds of feet high. Could they be hawks, or are hawks primarily loners?
We counted over 20 one day.Typically we have 2 or 3.They each seem to stake out an area for themselves,and you can hear them *talking* to each other.Most will hopefully move on.
It's most likely buzzards and no threat to your poultry. They soar high, are quite large, and they soar in groups.

I've seen 3 hawks together when the youngsters are being trained to hunt, but it is not common to see groups of hawks together, With the hawks and eagles, I occasionally see pairs, but not often and rarely in groups larger than that.

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