are male Guineas loud

A couple of days ago my hubby was scooping poop in the horse barn, there happened to be 4 guinea's in the barn at the time, and it was HILLARIOUS. Everytime he walked in - they started up SCREAMING bloody murder, the second he walked out they shut up - and it went on at least 4 or 5 times, I was standing outside laughing my head off.
That is so funny!! Mine do that too if I'm not out there by 8:30!!
It sounds like they are all on the porch!

But honestly, males are not loud compared to the females, unless they are spooked, or just plain CRAZY! I have 3 males and 2 females, and there is one male and one female that are always calling. The others are pretty quiet. But if they all get going, watch out! I'm thinking about getting earplugs for when I go out to feed them!
Mine never shut up. And heaven forbid that someone or something comes within 30 yards, because you won't hear the end of it.
The only time they're quiet is when... they're eating or sleeping.
Oh yeah, they're quiet when they're sleeping... if they don't hear you outside. If they do, they'll squawk up a storm and the roos start crowing... been there done that. 3 am. Neighbors L-O-V-E me
Yeah, I thought mine did make some kind of noise when they ate, but it's hard to tell with all the chickens screaming cause the goonies are running them off!
How much land do you guys have? I have about 350'x700' (a 5+ acre rectangle) but from what I have heard it would seem to be hard on the neighbors still - not that they would (or could) complain.
We have 10 acres, surrounded on 3 sides by government 'preservation' land. The other side is the road front, and there is a neighbor across the road. It's about 1/2 mile at least to their house, and they are only there maybe twice a month on the weekend.
As previously mentioned, the males are the least of your worries. I can go outside in the dead of night and still hear them chattering to each other in the guinea house. They're quieter at night, but they never shut up completely. End result: I think they're funny, BF hates them.

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