Are mink a daytime threat?


Jan 31, 2022
New England
We are certainly seeing an uptick of predator activity in our backyard these days, so far a family of foxes and a couple curious raccoons have been caught on my cameras... However yesterday around dusk while I was out in the run doing some poo-scraping I think I saw a MINK hanging around, my ladies were definitely spooked & alerting to it as well.

So here's my question - are mink a daytime threat typically? This was around 7pm-ish, before sunset, so it has me a little rattled. My coop and run are very secure and I am not worried about those areas, but I am in the process of building a large chicken yard that I plan to make "hawk proof" so my girls can be out there during the day, but I wasn't planning on making it "night time predator" safe because my flock wont be out there at night.

What can you all tell me about mink activity?
i would say so.

i caught a mink around my coop a few years ago and that was about 3 in the afternoon during winter, (did work in the morning no mink, went later and there was a dead mink in the trap)

also keep in mind nearest water source near me is over a mile away.
I rely on other predators to keep them under control but if I had one I'd use a weasel box to trap it. Some farmers keep weasels around to eat snakes and rats but that's not possible if you free range.Letting your chickens out later and locking them up earlier prevents most attacks. Randomly keeping them up all day prevents predators from knowing when they'll be out.The hour before after daylight and darkness is when most predator attacks occur. Here's a simple weasel box you can make:
I recently saw what I believe was a mink middle of the afternoon the other day and late afternoon/ early evening several days prior. First time I've spotted one. I thought it was a fox that had eventually wiped out my entire free-ranging flock, save one, but now I'm wondering if it had help or wasn't the fox at all... One thing I am sure of is if a predator is hungry or has babies, the rule of day & early morning/ dusk times do not apply. I've seen all kinds of animals hunting at times of day "they're not supposed to," my girls were closely watched & all taken/ attacked during day/ afternoon hours. Also, when predator proofing- keep in mind diggers, size of holes- I read minks for example can squeeze into ridiculously small gaps & can get into coops through mouse holes (?!), & weak spots- I have a chain link, metal roof covered run securely attached to my coop (a refurbished small storage shed). I made an impromptu check on my girls late one night & a very large, I'm guessing mama raccoon had actually taken a small upper corner of the tall chain fencing, peeled it back somehow like a can lid, & squeezed her very ample behind into that corner. Thankfully my girls were locked up tight in the building. Hope my experiences help some others out. ❤️
I recently saw what I believe was a mink middle of the afternoon the other day and late afternoon/ early evening several days prior. First time I've spotted one. I thought it was a fox that had eventually wiped out my entire free-ranging flock, save one, but now I'm wondering if it had help or wasn't the fox at all... One thing I am sure of is if a predator is hungry or has babies, the rule of day & early morning/ dusk times do not apply. I've seen all kinds of animals hunting at times of day "they're not supposed to," my girls were closely watched & all taken/ attacked during day/ afternoon hours. Also, when predator proofing- keep in mind diggers, size of holes- I read minks for example can squeeze into ridiculously small gaps & can get into coops through mouse holes (?!), & weak spots- I have a chain link, metal roof covered run securely attached to my coop (a refurbished small storage shed). I made an impromptu check on my girls late one night & a very large, I'm guessing mama raccoon had actually taken a small upper corner of the tall chain fencing, peeled it back somehow like a can lid, & squeezed her very ample behind into that corner. Thankfully my girls were locked up tight in the building. Hope my experiences help some others out. ❤️
You are 100% correct! Predators can show up anytime and minks are one of the worst!

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