Are My Chickens At Risk from My Dog's Worms


May 8, 2018
West Virginia
One of my two dogs has been vomiting and acting lethargic. The vet diagnosed with hookworms and another "stomach worm" (as she called it) that usually comes from eating such things as poop. He is a cat poop eater, though I have never seen him consume any other sort of poop. She put him on 2 different worming medicines and I am treating my other pets prophylactically. I am bleaching vomit spots on the porch as they occur and I bleached all watering containers and feed bowls. So what about my chickens!? They free range, most often they stay near the coop and in the woods but they do make their way up to the house and porch. Is there a risk or concern here. Do chickens need treated for worms? We consume and sell our eggs locally. I just want to make sure everyone is safe and healthy!
Personally I would worm the chickens. Dogs like to eat chicken poop, chickens will scratch through dog poop, the worms and eggs are likely in the environment around your yard, the chickens have likely been exposed.

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