Are my Chickens too fat?

They are soo cute! They look great to me. How is egg production? If they were too fat, they wouldn't be laying eggs very well at all. I always think that animals (and people) are always better to be on the chubby side. Hey! If they get sick, they won't be stick thin right away! :)
I agree, if chickens get too fat their egg production is impeded by the layers of extra fat because it blocks their passing the egg through (this is what my Mom says). I have three different breeds and I noticed that each one has very different sizes and we can expect that some will be heavier birds at their maturity. Your birds look happy and beautiful, I hope they stay healthy! What happened to the ones you lost?
Their laying is fine. They all started production back up about 3 weeks ago and have been pretty regular. They're 4 years old and this is the first time they've gone all winter without laying. Right now, it's siesta time and their crops are fully expanded from a plate of lard from frying chicken last night. The lard was mixed with a lot of other scraps.
They just look really fat to us. The last one that died broke her neck jumping off the roost and I figured it was from how fat she was.

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