Are my 'egg' chicken actually meat chickens?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 5, 2011
South Africa
I got chicks at a church fete for my kids, they were supposed to be egg laying chickens
I am new to the whole chicken thing and gave them access to food all the time but now it has been suggested that they might be Cornishx or a meat breed chicken.
My kids would not forgive me if we ate them, as they have become so attached to them. They were supposed to be pets/egg chickens.
If they are meat birds what should I do? Restrict their food and see if they can live longer? or am I condemning them to getting sick and having heart disease?
They do free range twice a day with the kids for about an hour. The kids keep them out the vegetable patch



at that age, I don't think they are meat chickens (which would be bald looking and ready to eat at 8 weeks) but they do look like roosters.
Maybe white rocks?
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I have good news and bad news for you.

The good news: I don't think they're meat chickens, they're pretty small for 8 weeks old.

The bad news: They look like roosters, so you won't be getting many eggs out of them.

fred's hens, you are of course correct. For OP, you won't be condemning them to being sick or having heart disease - these guys can grow up to be roosters with full rooster lives, not like the Cornish X that will keel over after a certain short lifespan. They are just boys of a larger chicken breed that is considered 'dual purpose'.

Oh and no need to restrict feed, I don't think. That's something you do with Cornish X. I don't eat chicken, so could be wrong on this.
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Thank you, we are much relieved that they are not going to die imminently. Pity they are all roosters. Oh well I will try borrow a girl from a friend that got chicks on the same day and see if we can get some babies when they are ready.

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