Are my hens passed the age of laying

Egg king

Mar 13, 2021
South Africa
I bought 3 more hens and introduced them to my two chickens one hen one rooster 10 days ago
My question is
Im only getting two eggs a day and sometimes one and im quite sure the one that is laying is from the first hen
Are the rest not laying because they are adjusting to a new home or because they are too old
I asked the farmer for matured hens and i had them transported over 500 kms
They are a bit larger is size compared to my first hen and i also would like to know what are the signs that a hen stopped laying
Are you feeding the hens the same things the farmer fed them? A change in diet affects egg laying.

Is the climate different from where the hens lived before? Climate and weather changes can affect egg laying.

Do you have any dogs or noisy neighbors? Stress can affect egg laying.

Hens usually drop frequency of laying after age five or six, but still lay a few egg a week. I have hens seven and eight years that still lay.

It's not possible to say exactly how old a hen is, they age gracefully, you know. But if you compare a young hen to an older hen, they tend to ride closer to the ground, appearing to have shorter legs, than young hens. Also, the scales on the feet may be slightly lifting up. Younger hens have tight, smooth scales on legs and feet.
What breeds and how old are the new birds? Probably stress from being in a new place. They should start to lay in a few weeks once they get accumulated. Chickens prime egg laying season is 2-3 years old. After that egg production decreases, but doesn't really stop. For backyard birds, 3-5 you'' still get eggs weekly, 6-8 every few weeks, or every month. I still get eggs from my 8 +year old girls once every month or so.
My senior will be ten in October. She lays two a week and sometimes it's one. Years ago we took them from their current hen house, run and put them in the new coop. Ours didn't lay for a couple weeks after we moved them. The Hens do not like change of any kind with us at least. Maybe, all chickens do the same thing.
I dont know what feed the farmer gives them
The climate is much colder there
Both of my neighbours have dogs and the dogs can come in our yard at night sometimes the dogs fight
Their scales are smooth from what i can remember
They are black australorps
Usually how long after being moved do they start laying?
Their combs were gone black and now its mostly red

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