Are my silkies blue or black


8 Years
Dec 23, 2011
So, last april I ordered 5 blue silkies, description said that they could be b/b/s. I now have have 4 left and lucky me 1 roo and 3 pullets. My questions is are they blue or black. I wanted blues so that I could hatch some b/b/s. I have one that isn't in the photo that is much lighter so I do think that she is a blue. I have a bearded roo and a bearded pullet as well as 2 non bearded pullets. First photo I think is a blue pullet. , Second photo is roo on left and pullet?on right, not sure on the color, third is another photo of the pullet?in the second photo, and last photo is a photo of one of the bearded as a chick.

So what do you think.
So, last april I ordered 5 blue silkies, description said that they could be b/b/s. I now have have 4 left and lucky me 1 roo and 3 pullets. My questions is are they blue or black. I wanted blues so that I could hatch some b/b/s. I have one that isn't in the photo that is much lighter so I do think that she is a blue. I have a bearded roo and a bearded pullet as well as 2 non bearded pullets. First photo I think is a blue pullet. , Second photo is roo on left and pullet?on right, not sure on the color, third is another photo of the pullet?in the second photo, and last photo is a photo of one of the bearded as a chick.

So what do you think.

very dark blues..

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