are pain relievers ending in -caine toxic to chickens/birds? looking for solid proof either way.

:hugsThank you for your sympathy. I am very devastated and angry about it. I was trying so hard to save her, but maybe that is my problem, that I try too hard. I was afraid she had aspirated and wanted to start antibiotics right away to keep pneumonia out of the question as she was fighting coccidia already. And I ended her life instantly. I also did so much research to try and ensure it was safe and everything I read said it was fine. I even went on a lower dose just in case.
So sorry again. You were trying to do everything right for her, and at least she didn’t suffer long (I was just reading a post on the Facebook BYCs site about a woman who had a messy euthanasia of her sick hen - very sad). All drugs have risks, and PPG can cause weird reactions in any species. Not treating can be deadly too though. It’s often hard to know what to do, so we just take our chances and hope for the best. Again, I’m very sorry about your hen; it sound so traumatic for you when you were just trying to help her!

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