Are red sex link roosters aggressive?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 3, 2014
Hi friends! I'm brand new to this, raising six 2-week old pullets and I suspect that one of them is probably a rooster. I had not planned on having roosters and I might just give him away, since I have two young boys and my family doesn't want to be attacked by a rooster every time we go to tend to the coop. I'm looking to find out more about this kind of rooster. Are they typically aggressive, docile, or in-between?
Sex links are 100% sexed at hatch based on color. There can not be a rooster if these came from a feed store or hatchery.

If someone bred a sex link hybrid then it's no longer a sex link; it's a one time cross that makes them so. So if you purchase from a backyard chicken person who bred birds that were sex links then you have backyard mixed layers and there would be varying colors not all looking the same.
But to answer the question, roosters from a sex-link cross, or the resulting progeny, considered a mix breed, may be aggressive or not. Like dogs, some breeds (game breeds) are more likely to be aggressive if socialized for that, but they, or any roo, can be perfect gentlemen with the hens and people. Handle them all a lot, hand feed them, and be prepared to dominate them if needed.

There is a lot of info on this site about training and re-training aggressive roos. It doesn't always work, but if you start early it probably will.
The other 5 chick's look like the typical red star coloring, copper colored head and back, and they have those little streaks down their backs- all the same, but this little bugger looks so different.
The other 5 chick's look like the typical red star coloring, copper colored head and back, and they have those little streaks down their backs- all the same, but this little bugger looks so different.

The difference in appearance is because they are a mixed breed bird - the two breeds can express themselves quite differently from one chick to the next.....especially when you consider the sheer number of different parent birds that went into creating the hatch from which the chicks were shipped.
That would be great if she were a girl! It would be the best thing for now, until I feel more confident that I could handle that early-morning serenade! I still think I'll name her Fred, anyhow.

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