Are RIR Rooster feet supposed to be red?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 31, 2009
upstate SC

I have a RIR Rooster who has red on a lot of his feet. It's down between the toes and the bottom of the foot. It's blood red but not bloody.

Is this normal? The hens all have yellow feet and my other two roosters have a small amount of red, but the one looks really really red. They are a little more than 6 months old.

Do their legs get redder as they get older? Could this be mites or something? I'm not sure what, if anything, to do.

RIRs and BRs both have some red between the toes and up the sides of the legs or sometimes on the fronts, on top of the base yellow color. If it doesn't seem inflamed or painful or the scales lifted up, it's probably natural rooster feet coloring.
Thanks so much, Speckled Hen! It LOOKS inflamed by the color, but there doesn't seem to be any inflamation or raised scales.

You can see the red on my Dutch's feet here in this picture:

What a gorgeous guy! Yes those are the areas, although on my RIR it's much more and much redder. I appreciate your responses. I love my chickens and want them all to be healthy and happy!

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