Are there any differences between hatching standards and bantams? Help please!!!!!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Oct 19, 2011
We got two sebright bantam hens and they have been bred with an ameraucana austrolorp rooster.
I this an okay breed? Will the chicks be okay? They will be bantam sized since they hatched from a bantam sized egg right?
Also, one more question. Is hatching bantam eggs different then hatching standard eggs? I am knew with bantams

So is raising bantam chicks any different then raising the bantams? The same temperature in the incubator and brooder?
Thanks in advance!!!!!
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Yo people? Where are you? I need help with the differences between breeding bantams and standards if there are any.
I don't believe that there is any difference between hatching out bantams and standard chickens. The temperature should be about the same for the babies maybe a little higher for the bantams but you should use their body language to determine if they are happy or not.

What do you mean by bred? Hens need to be with a rooster to produce fertile eggs. The eggs can still be fertilized for three days after separation but that is it.

I hope this helps.
By bred I meant mated with that rooster.

Thank you!
Incubating is the same too?
Sorry, I never did bantam eggs before.
My mother has bantams and raises them. She doesn't incubate the eggs because her hens are broody and she lets them do the work for her but when researching the incubation process, they are handled the same as standards.
Thank You! I could almost shout to the stars even though it's day time! Time to get to work with the knew batch of eggs!

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