Are there REALLY inbred cannibals in the woods of west VA?

...but harder to drag off and cut up.
By the way, I read about a cannibal in Australia. Forgot his name but it was from a long time ago and he was an escaped prisoner I believe. And I didn't make this thread for attention *cough rude people cough* I'm actually curious if there are backwoods type people that are cannibals, inbred, maybe a little hostile.. It doesn't have to be in America either! There's still head hunters in New Guinea, I saw a documentary about it.
The meanest country people I've come across were downright messed up. My mom and I were looking for a feed store, wanting directions, and one guy in a truck stopped with his wife and kid. He stopped kind of far away from our mini van so I had to go outside and walk up to his truck (we were on a road around a hill). When I got close he drove some distance away and stopped again! When I got close to his truck again I saw his boy in the back seat looking at me through the window, smiling and laughing, and then that stupid man drove off again to a certain distance. I stopped chasing after I knew they wanted to play a game with a someone they assumed is a city person (when I live in the middle of nowhere) and I humbly gave them the finger and then he drove off for good. They weren't cannibals but gosh they were terrible people.
If we knew of any of those types, do you think we wouldn't report them for their cannibalistic endeavors? Or if we were some of these people, would we admit to being such? And what does inbreeding have to do with cannibalism?

Seems to me, when I read about modern day cannibalism, it is taking place in the city....why the backwoods reference?

I think maybe you are watching too many movies and not enough news programs.
If we take the question seriously....

Cannibalism is almost always a religious thing. It has nothing to do with the back woods. People that do it, do it cause they think it makes the dead live on as part of them... Sometimes an enemy but mostly loved ones.

Inbreeding is also not a back woods thing. Royal families are known for it. It the back woods people usually do everything they can to find mates that are not related. The jokes mostly come from family's that cross at differing points. My dads wife is his brothers ex. That makes my cousins also my step sister an brother. My cousin on my moms side had a kid with my second cousin on my dads side. They are not related. This kid is my second an third cousin. No inbreeding, just quirks of life in a small community. Anyway the point is that it is threw marriage that people end up related multiple ways, not because of inbreeding...
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The title did come from movies lol
I haven't watched a generic movie like those in over a year though.
Hmm, are there any families out there harboring a giant son (or daughter) that may or may not be deformed? Leatherface reference :p When I was with my mom driving around Bear Valley Springs I saw a dingy old barn looking building (with no cars around it) and I said that's where leatherface and his family live. I'm sorry if this thread offends anyone who actually live in heavily forested areas, this thread wasn't meant to do that.
I don't think deformed cannibalistic hillbillies would have internet either. Inbreeding does have to do with it, now I don't know exactly why this is but there's stereotyping of hillbillies or rednecks and one of those stereotypes is inbreeding. I think the reason has something to do with white supremacists?
Geez, there's almost a stereotype for everything.
The title did come from movies lol
I haven't watched a generic movie like those in over a year though.
Hmm, are there any families out there harboring a giant son (or daughter) that may or may not be deformed? Leatherface reference :p When I was with my mom driving around Bear Valley Springs I saw a dingy old barn looking building (with no cars around it) and I said that's where leatherface and his family live. I'm sorry if this thread offends anyone who actually live in heavily forested areas, this thread wasn't meant to do that.
I don't think deformed cannibalistic hillbillies would have internet either. Inbreeding does have to do with it, now I don't know exactly why this is but there's stereotyping of hillbillies or rednecks and one of those stereotypes is inbreeding. I think the reason has something to do with white supremacists?
Geez, there's almost a stereotype for everything.

Yeah...there is a stereo-type for just about any type of person. Like city dwellers who know virtually nothing about country life except for what they glean from B grade movies or really bad "reality" TV....
i got canables in my back yard right at this very second. if a chicken should die during the night them canable chickens would eat that dead one for sure.
now for the clown thing. i used to sell motorcycles we had a salesman there who was deathly afraid of clowns and midgets. when i worked there i was thinking of getting a midget in a clown suit to sing happy birthday to him.

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