Are these both roos? or do I have a pair.


10 Years
Feb 15, 2009
Are these banty cochins both roos, or do i have a pair?


2 banty cochins, are these two roos?


the 2 cochins, 2 males, or a pair?
Hate to say it, but they are not Cochins. One is a Mille Fleur D'Uccle and the other one is a cross of some kind--notice the very white earlobes. The D'uccle is a rooster and the other one seems like a rooster, but not positive on that.
The one with the big white earlobes probably has some Silkie in him, due to the crest, but what else is in it is a mystery. Has Buff Brahma-like coloring, but nothing else. Those huge white lobes remind me of White faced Black Spanish. I'd say that one is a mix of two crossbreeds.
the left looks similar to my silkie cross, crest feathers and looks like an extra toe on the left foot?

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