Are these Brahmas?

wildcat chix

13 Years
Mar 27, 2011
Barbourville, Kentucky
...or can you tell what they may be mixed with?

because that's what they were sold to us as....Not that it really matters because, (1) they're pretty to look at, (2) they get along with the other chickens, (3) we aren't showing them
Mostly just curious as to breeds . We're trying to educate ourselves.
But, we'd like to have something to tell people that end up with the chicks; "they're Brahma (mixes)" or "we don't know what they are"

I would say silkie cochin mix....I would also say they are too big to be a standard chicken but also too big to be a I would say one parent was a silkie which is a bantam and the other parent and full size the way if you dont know already one is a rooster and one is a hen.
...or can you tell what they may be mixed with?

because that's what they were sold to us as....Not that it really matters because, (1) they're pretty to look at, (2) they get along with the other chickens, (3) we aren't showing them
Mostly just curious as to breeds . We're trying to educate ourselves.
But, we'd like to have something to tell people that end up with the chicks; "they're Brahma (mixes)" or "we don't know what they are"

Not brahmas.But they are really nice looking birds as well as unusual looking.
Hi looking for some help,

I'm looking for silver laced brahma eggs, can any body help??

Thank you
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Do you not mean dark brahma as the true silver lace has not been established in the us as of yet?

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