Are these Buff Orps? UPDATE: I FIGURED IT OUT! maybe...


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 7, 2007
Richlands, NC
I have 7 two-week old Buff Orphingtons, only as their feathers come in, they seem really dark. Do they get lighter as they get older? Here are a couple of them.
I am also worried that this little one is a roo, but I will have to wait a few weeks to figure that out.


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they don't look much like buffs, but they are REALLY beautiful, they look realy soft i want to pet them
give them a hug fro me good luck with the search
That looks an awful lot like my New Hampshire Reds when they feathered out... and not very much like a Buff Orp.

NHRs are nice though, if you decide to keep it. It won't look quite like a BO, but I think you may get more eggs.
Dang!! I ordered from Ideal. They had shorted me one silkie, and gave me four extra of what I THOUGHT were BO's. (as well as three marked males for warmth) I specifically ordered more Buffs because they were supposed to be these docile, friendly birds. These guys are pretty, but flighty and don't take too well to my attempts to play with them. Do you think I can contact Ideal about it, and what would I say? You sent me the wrong birds? ARGH!
I am an idiot!
I was looking at my little ones this evening and that little lightbulb finally went off over my head. The three that were marked are the Buff Orphingtons, and the seven I thought were BO's, are the extra males, maybe RIR, maybe something else. But that makes sense since I was getting the feeling that most of them were roo's. They are starting to get really aggressive, even started pecking one of the others. How could I have missed this?! I guess I just assumed the ones that were marked by Ideal with green dots on their heads were the extras. Next time I will know better.

Here's one that I thought was an extra male, but is probably my lost Buff Orph.

And here's what they looked liked the day I got them, the mark threw me off!


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