Are these from two different chickens?


In the Brooder
Jul 6, 2019
Yesterday, we were surprised by our first egg. It was a small, brown egg and it was laid just outside a nesting box. Today, we found another egg. This one was slightly bigger and a lighter brown, laid inside the nesting box. We believe that the first egg was laid by our Black Sexlink and that the second one was either the same one or our black Australorp. My question is, was this egg laid by the same hen or a different one?


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good question, some get kinks worked out sooner but usually first one is smaller and they grow in size as they work out the kinks, my suggestions would be all stay in until they have laid then be let out if you do that, that will help identify how many layers you actually have and train them to lay in the coop. sounds like it's the first eggs hen that laid it then

can't remember lol about measuring the width of the pelvic area as I just let them do their thing unless I see a problem
Yesterday, we were surprised by our first egg. It was a small, brown egg and it was laid just outside a nesting box. Today, we found another egg. This one was slightly bigger and a lighter brown, laid inside the nesting box. We believe that the first egg was laid by our Black Sexlink and that the second one was either the same one or our black Australorp. My question is, was this egg laid by the same hen or a different one?
The shape, size and shade are all different. I say these are from 2 different chickens.
The shape, size and shade are all different. I say these are from 2 different chickens.
gotta remember they are also new to laying so they got that 30 days they gotta work out kinks as well as they are free ranged, only ones I can tell is the ee egg and the olive colored egg in the flock, even as adults shading can very slightly from day to daym and new layers are still working things out
gotta remember they are also new to laying so they got that 30 days they gotta work out kinks as well as they are free ranged, only ones I can tell is the ee egg and the olive colored egg in the flock, even as adults shading can very slightly from day to daym and new layers are still working things out
I've seen the variations in different eggs from the same pullet in a lot of pullets. They do not include this level is differences in eggs laid 2 days apart.
My RIR is my only brown egg layer, for the moment anyway, so I know hers. Her colors are all over the map, and she's at least 3 yrs. I think it could be the same chicken, or two different ones. Catching them laying is the best way to tell. Congrats on your new layer!
Thank you!
Yesterday, we were surprised by our first egg. It was a small, brown egg and it was laid just outside a nesting box. Today, we found another egg. This one was slightly bigger and a lighter brown, laid inside the nesting box. We believe that the first egg was laid by our Black Sexlink and that the second one was either the same one or our black Australorp. My question is, was this egg laid by the same hen or a different one?
Congratulations on getting your first eggs! That's from different chickens. When our Red Sexlinks first laid, there were 3 eggs of different shapes and colors at the same time. It's funny how it works like that, isn't it?

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